Xubuntu 22.04 to 24.04
About a month ago, I started to get an issue with updates, one of my repositories, "https://repo.waydro.id jammy InRelease", had "lost" it's gpg key. This was also preventing the dist-upgrade to 24.04.
The full error was as follows (when running sudo apt update):
Err:8 https://repo.waydro.id jammy InRelease The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0E406D181DCEE19C
I found the solution to this here:
which provided this command:
curl --progress-bar --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -Sf https://repo.waydro.id/waydroid.gpg --output /usr/share/keyrings/waydroid.gpg
and running that command fixed the issue.
I was then able to proceed with the dist-upgrade, which all went well...until I rebooted...
I run two screens, my main screen, and to the left a second screen. On boot, I was presented with a dark teal background for both, and the screen were mirroring. A mouse pointer was present on both screens but did nothing.
CTRL+ALT+4 opened a terminal.
I then ran this command:
which brought up the xubuntu display configuration. I was then able to set my main screen as the Primary display, and "move" the second screen to the left. I turned off Mirroring, and then set my two panels (one vertical, one horizontal) to my main display. Lst thing was to then use the Desktop dialog to set a background for each screen.
Back in business.
I run a few zenity dialog utility commands on my system. These have a funky new dialog on 24.04, however, none of the text for the dialog or buttons is displaying. The fix is to edit the file /etc/environment and add the following line GSK_RENDERER=gl , then restart your machine. Credits.
Virtualbox broken. Had to set up virtualbox in sources.list (having previously installed from a deb file) and update to 7.1.4 from 7.06. Method from here . Picked up all my settings and virtual machines. Gave an error on first run, but seems to have settled down now.
Idea Intellij crashing after partial loading. Something to do with root ownership and mode values of the chrome-sandbox. Credits. Fixed with these two commands:
sudo chown root chrome-sandbox
chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox
Pinta, my go to simple image editor, was removed by the dist-upgrade. Reinstalled with a snap: sudo snap install pinta. Installation was slow for downloads and selecting plugins and slots, eventually after about 5 mintues the install completed.
Pinta could not open `xfce4-screenshooter` screenshots (using Open With), due to file restrictions created by the screenshooter, and the location, /tmp/, and Pinta's "sandbox", being a snap. Had to write a bash script for the keyboard shortcut/s, and a cron job to overcome this:
dte=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
xfce4-screenshooter -r -s ~/Documents/tmp/"screenshot_$dte.png"
output=$(zenity --list --radiolist --column="Select" --column="Action" TRUE "Copy to Clipboard" FALSE "Open with Pinta")
if [ "$output" = "Open with Pinta" ]; then
pinta ~/Documents/tmp/"screenshot_$dte.png"
@reboot /usr/bin/find /home/<user>/Documents/tmp -name "*.png" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;An alternative to 5. above is to leave your xfce4-screenshooter keyboard shortcuts alone and bind the /tmp directory to a directory in $HOME, like so
Have a folder called ~/Documents/tmp (calling it tmp is important)
Added the following to /etc/fstab /tmp /home/<user>/Documents/tmp none bind,nofail
Reboot. The /tmp folder should now be displayed in ~/Documents/tmp
Create custom action in xfce4-screenshooter: Pinta - pinta ~/Documents/%f - %f will be /tmp/<filename>, which is why you need your bound directory to be called tmp as well.
Use the custom action to open Pinta with the screenshot.